FULL MOON 11-14-2024
Planetary energies in challenged positions, all signs are in decision making arenas. How are you affected ASK 520-632-1250
Signed in as:
Planetary energies in challenged positions, all signs are in decision making arenas. How are you affected ASK 520-632-1250
Scorpio Happy Birthday! , October 23, 2024! Scorpio full Moon ~ November 15 2024 @ 2:49 p.m. ET,
November 23, 2024 ZOOM meet
Connecting the World with Astrology
In the Fall of 2024!
This presentation is not to be missed!
By Henry Seltzer
October 2, 2024, Libra lunar eclipse, takes place on the evening of September 17th, at 7:34 pm PT, a few hours later for the east coast and Europe; and features no fewer than three major oppositions. There is of course the Sun opposed to the Moon, exact at 25° 41’ of their respective signs of Virgo and Pisces, and as well Mercury at 14° Virgo opposed to Saturn at 15° Pisces. Additionally, we find Venus at 23° 54’ of Libra opposed to the Chiron/Eris midpoint at 23° 47’ Aries, exact to within 7 minutes of a degree. The Mercury-Saturn opposition, emphasizing the theme of contraction and serious thought forms, is tempered by a T-square from Sun and Moon to expansive Jupiter, located at 20° of Gemini, and exactly square the Sun/Mercury midpoint. Jupiter is also closely trine to Chiron at 22° of Aries. All in all, as we face an uncertain future with fear or with hope, we will have the tendency to suffer from outdated beliefs and attitudes that may have need of adjustment before our better angels can rise to the occasion, as we can come to that....
AAZ is happy to host Andrea Gehrz in a class on Teleology, the theory on which Hellenistic techniques are based ASTROLOGY ARIZONA ZOOM MEET
November 23 talk features popular astrologer Andrea Gehrz speaking about
Teleology: Hellenistic Astrology’s Missing Philosophy.
Andrea offers “Have you studied the techniques of Hellenistic Astrology? Have you read the ancient authors? Do you still feel like there is something missing? Well there is! It is the philosophy underlying these ancient techniques. “
Teleology is the ancient theory upon which all Hellenistic techniques have been developed. In this informative lecture, we will learn about Teleology and how to apply it. If you want to know more about it before the class, please go to “An Introduction to Teleology for the Modern Astrologer” at https://www.astro.com/astrology/tma_article151001_e.htm
Andrea Gehrz has been a professional astrologer for 25 years. She started her studies at Kepler College and has translated many ancient Greek texts into English, such as the Introduction to and Books 1-3 of the Tetrabiblos, as well as the Vettius Valens Anthology, Ensoulment (a book on how the soul gets in the body). She currently runs an astrology school called the Moira Press, and meets with students weekly over zoom on Tuesdays from 5:30-6:30pm Pacific time. She can be reached at andreagehrz.com.
As usual, we’re charging $10 for members, $15 for non-members. You can register at https://azastrologers.org/.
I have no doubt it’s going to be another excellent discussion, and we hope you will join us for this event, since “what one astrologer misses another catches.”
Click here to enroll in our classes Our November 23 Zoom Meet presentation features internationally known and loved astrologer Lynn Koiner who will be giving us a fascinating look at Regressing Your Chart Into Your Parents’ Past. This is a technique she developed decades ago which is “an easy technique whereby one can regress a chart back in time and predict events occurring in the lives of the parents and grandparents.” She says “this is an easy technique that even a beginning student can learn” which gives insights into what happened before we were born.
As usual, we’re charging $10 for members, $15 for non-members. You can register at
September 21, 2024
Channel by STAR
"STAR" announcing daily predictions Messages from the Tarot, connecting to Spiritual Beings in your mist. Astrology & Numerology enlightens your journey, via Mathematics. "All" lead you to inner awareness. Knowing Self is the key to understanding your core "Being" of Love and or Truth!
Contact "STAR" via text, Zoom 520-632-1250
Astrology and Tarot card pull on U-Tube or Zoom! check us out. Astrology; Tarot Numerology, Sabian symbols, Aries ,Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Zodiac Series mugs, pillows. framed zodiac series, paintings, personalized gifts!
mary katherine Kracht - YouTube
Mary Katherine, Astrologer, for your direction changes in the Aquarian Age upon us. 520-632-1250
Welcome to the Astrology Arizona (AAZ) website!
Here’s what’s up with our organization and the Astrological forecast for September
Please Drop By Our Facebook Page!
There’s always something going on at our Facebook page, with articles to feed your astrological imagination. To find out more, come on over to our Facebook page where questions, comments, and discussions are most welcome! You can find us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/111582320851163 and we hope you’ll join the social media initiative going on there.
Calling All Members!
If you haven’t already joined our group, please consider becoming a member. You can find us at https://azastrologers.org/. For $36 a year, you get a discount on admission to all talks and many other benefits, including free advertising for your business on our website, access to the awesome documentary Changing of the Gods, and a discount for audio copies of our talks as they become available.
For two people living at the same address, both can become members for $54. Don’t delay, renew today! We prorate the yearly dues based in when you pay, so if you become a member now, you’re paid through September 2024.
As a member, you’ll enjoy the full version of our newsletter sent directly to your email. An abbreviated version is available on this website.
In 2024, the month of September puts the focus on the area of our charts where we have Virgo and Libra. This month sees Mercury speeding up after its recent retrograde between 5 Virgo and 22 Leo, giving us a review of those areas of our lives. This month is the time to get it in gear, as we have Grand Earth Trines to help ground our efforts and say goodbye to the lessons Pluto in Capricorn has given us since 2008.
There’s a swirl of planetary energies this month, with Mercury and Venus moving briskly forward, Mars beginning to slow down for its December retrograde station at 7 Leo, Jupiter slowing for its October retrograde station, and Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto all retrograde! Due to the inner planets transiting Virgo and Libra, and Mars moving into Cancer, we now have planets occupying a wide span of signs. We have the outer planet span from late Capricorn through Jupiter in late Gemini, with Mars and the inner planets extending the occupied span through Libra. So we have all the planets in about 3/4 of the zodiac.
Because the inner planets are all in a phase of opposing Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Jupiter these next few months, we’re coming to a time of the year when we get intense awareness through these oppositions. When the inner planets occupy Aquarius through Taurus and conjunct the outer planets, it’s time to pull the energies inward, and when they’re between Cancer and Sagittarius the energies are more expansive in the outer world.
We have very favorable Grand Earth Trines this month, courtesy of the Sun and Mercury in Virgo trining Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn. This is the last set of Earth trines to Pluto for centuries to come, so make the most of it, since from now on it’s strictly Air trines! And yes, the Sun and Mercury also oppose Saturn, helping us let go of the lesser to accept the greater, and throw off chains of mental slavery which keep us too narrow or pessimistic.
Bill Nastasiak (Vice President and Education Director)
Robert Wilkinson (President and Editor of AAZ Newsletter)
Mary Katherine Kracht (Treasurer)
Sign up for webinar here : https://azastrologers.org/donate
Our July 22, 2024 Zoom presentation was awesome and we want to thank Sheri for her presentation, The fight For Women’s Equality in America: the History of the US Sibley. We thank Sheri for sharing her insight and historical knowledge not only for women's struggle independencoe and rights as is and was for all others! Being true today and the coming years!
YOU TUBE has brought limited oppotunity for me https://www.youtube.com/@marykatherinekracht as well as others, to share our "gab share" with you on a daily basis the planetary transits and how it effects our pesonal life. Mother Earth being a noisy place for eliminating each other with bombs, etc, now can open our thoughts and dreams verbally and "JUST MAYBE", we may find common ground to finally bring Earth to a place of
Peace with each other and perspectives on ways to work together (Libra).Aren't we all seeking the same dream to be healthy, happy, worth ful with love, honesty for all.
"information revolution" as the Industrial revolution of the 1800,
representing communications, with a voice to verbalize, not one idea, but many, with equipment never seen before. Reaching to far away dimensions, other worlds, other minds.
ACE of Swords! Like it or not, we will learn to accept each other, for our goals, based on our values, will be the same. Love, care for, educate, protect each other and our home. "AI Revolution," being developed will free us, but alter our world. and force us to re evaluate "who we are, what is life really about, A new adventure to survive? Survivalist by altering the ego's of our past, to rebirth our planet and ourselves.
Mother Earth is a home for our BEINGS! we were designed to wittness and actualize life, living, So, via the ages past, our Beings have taught ourselves to create, think, but also to destroy. Creation is the process of build and destroy. It is this new era realization Earth is where we can or BEING can survive, so the responsiblity or care takers of the home is in our realization.
Planet Saturn
Planet Saturn
Planet "Uranus" the "Great Awakenener"has been enlightening us by radically disrupting our values, our avenues of financial securities Taurus and the Constellation Pleiades, Seven Sisters, Weeping Sisters, June 2024-July 6, 2025 until its arrival into Gemini. bringing to light our agreements and disagreements with our brothers and sisters, ripping apart families, personal or otherwise. One is forced to reflect on the family, or Tribe, and the values that determined our lives. The revolution continues as Uranus enters into Gemini, and "AI" becomes the voice of the day, dominate and transform our lives.
Planet Neptune
" Neptune" tihe sign of Love, forgiveness, Christ, Sorrow, confinement, reflecting "What's Love got to do with anything?." Pain and suffering with self or others awakens the understanding of compassion, care and comfort. The era of un truths, gas lighting," Neptune has been in transit Pisces owner of the sign, since April 2011. the sign of Christ, religious doctrines that awakened every bizzaar way of thinking and ways to control the masses with a promise to transend to the world of God and some place called Heaven or world with promises of what ever tickles your desire list. Neptune enhanced, need, observation, thinking, into imagination that transended into Creation. As you think ,speak, your action will manifest into Creation. Pisces is the concept based on Love as Christ spoke and Truth transforming the standard of sorrow, self pity, sacrifice into the value of true forgiveness, acceptance of your inner value of Love and Truth. Love as religous doctrine dictates. Truth with self to take right actions in living principles.The challenges we face is "change," in the rules of religon, family, government, that have governed us for so many years past. Love and Truth will be the focus of our lives. Pisces reminds us. You are the Creator of all your actions. If your actions are based on the principles of Love and Truth, your manifestation, Creation will reflect your affirmations. So be kind,caring, patient in understanding, we are all seeking our own inner truth. Sometimes it takes a "kick" in the head to see the stars and light to guide you.
Planet Jupiter, "Zeus", takes 12 years to transit the Zodiac giving blessings, awards and legal, right action decision to each sign. We like to think Juptier will bless us with good luck during it transit of each sign, our sign. Which is true in many cases, however, remember, life is based on your beliefs, decisions evaluated based on your actions, rules, laws that guided you and the actions of others and eventually your actions. Reap as you sow. Karma can be a bitch, not understanding your actions NOT based on Truth, Honesty or Love will return to awaken your mis judgement in actions in the past. The Questions? Who am I, We, Us? is the knowing need to know.
Jupiter has you asking, reviewing your past decisions, religious, values, the doctrines your family, faith instilled within you.
"Planet Pluto", The Transformer" Giver and taker of life and death. the boat we travel to the "Underworld" currently a formable transit in the sign , January 2024 into Aquarius to 2045. A new Era, one that lights the desire for to be a "Transformer", in laws of the land, music, science, space, technology. independence, liberation from the "controls of a limited few that desire to control our every move, thought and desire. The ever present fight, since time began, now is brought to the forefront of our determination to change destiny for equal rights for "ALL"! We are re analyzing the concept that "Daddy", Male", "God is a male" add WOMAN, knows best and must be the leader for our accomplishments! Religion and cults that tend to say "God, man", is our protector and giver of our desires, must have final say, and determine decisions. It is an ERA to recognize each and every one of us has the gift to be a "CREATOR!" MAN, WOMAN equally carries the responsibility of our actions and actions of the world around and within us.!
Mars, Venus, Mercury, all the astroids out there, all players in the game of life, interact as we do with each other. They are our messengers, action motivators.
With awakening, our Beings have created and destroyed our home base, but realize, it is up to us to re create our home to be the place of our growth, love, safety. It is our Home!
"What is your calling? Who are You?
Contact "STAR" Mary Katherine, Astrologer, for your direction changes in the Aquarian Age upon us.
LIBRA, debate! LET'S TALK! DEBATE! LET'S GET ALL THE FACTS STRAIGHT! But remember, ARE We CONSIDERING THE OTHER VIEWPOINTS, OR NEEDS or only seeing our own. looking for the way life was. That worked did'nt it? Remember, Libra repesents Equal, Balanced, Mine is yours, yours is mine? or is it? When Libra is out of balance, they or you are in a place of Dis' Eased. Libra finally just wants to give up. So, you decide, make the decision, the answer is in your court, and I probably won't like it, but agree to keep the peace and balance and remind you "it was your choice. your idea" So, at this, and that, debate! But remember, We are looking for the perfection and balance between parties. Mine is yours, yours is mine? or is it?
Aquarius was once ruled by Saturn the strict Ceslestrial law giver, rule giver and final judgement. The Ideal! When you care for SELF AND OTHERS, HONEST WITH SELF AND OTHERS, love others, is the Ideal, as long as its "my idea"? Aquarius looks for the perfection, but can take a leap to editing those that do NOT Fit to perfection, Your Tribe, people look or tend to threaten ", " or at least, I have been told, I, We , think or fear!or should fear ( Aquar ius enlightens us via comtemplation, discussions over ideals, Sabian Symbol Eagle/Dove, We all underneath it all desire the same, to love,live in peace, to prosper for self and all. Aren't we seeking the same? Do we have to have a WAR, demanding yours is mine, because I want it, you scare me, taking to much of mine. Saturn).Pisces, Neptune says Unifying ones Ego with the Inner Truth within, as the sages of another time said, Love and Truth are the keys to your happiness, safety, balance. Is it possible? So, the drama goes on! otherwise, dis-ease. Why can't we, all agree? For getting the concepts 0f Libra, Equal, Sharing, forcing, change how we believed, thought. After much sorrow and loss, War, the concepts of Love, Sharing, Caring are lost, With loss we reflect and re awaken us, to remember the many ways to strive, seek for the ideals for Love, Honesty, Truth bringing us into balance with All That is called Democracy, now challenged by those that have lost their sense of Libra balance.
We are now on the edges of the Age of Aquarius an era of Enlightenment, Age of Twists and unexpected turns. The Inventor, Leader, revolutionary, Astrologer. Always suprising, with creative, expansive ideas with much to say, voicing actions of history Era's of the past. The age of technology revolution, communication with others on levels never seen before, connecting to another, but not physically, robots, or what ever you call it. A-I. An era so excentric, many years will pass before the ideal is the norm. It is "rock n roll. the Beatles," all over again. Fear of what we don't understand and fear of those that do will challenge many. Religeon of the past take on a new aproach to keep their flock together. Doctrines to fear each other, it must be them. realizing, are really what we fear so different,want any different they perhaps are more just like us. All with the same needs and desires. To live in peace, to love who we love, care for. without rules that tell us who, what, should be doing because a few tell one so.
by Astrology Arizona President, Robert Wilkinson, Astrologer
As most of you know, the December 2020 Solstice conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at 1 Aquarius launched new 20 and 200 year eras. This Full Moon helps us see recent losses in a different light as we move through a time of upheaval and disruption. Read the flow and let go as needed.
I’ll speak more about the bigger picture after the Sabian Symbols. For now, let’s take a closer look at this disruptive Lunation freeing us but also forcing us to synthesize all the parts to see the whole which happens at 1:28 pm PST on November 15 at 25 Scorpio/Taurus.
This Full Moon has Sun in Scorpio and Moon in Taurus, indicating the Light of a focused intensity can be expressed through Taurus’ sense of calm self-mobilization on one’s own behalf. The is the Sun shining out deep social and/or emotional connections which will be given form by Taurus’ sense of enjoying the best life has to offer us on our own terms. The Light of emotional and/or social faith can now be expressed through new forms of emotional or social confirmation which is awakening right now.
Because the Full Moon fulfills the themes of the previous New Moon, this will bring the themes of the New Moon at 10 Scorpio to fulfillment. Those involved finding new connections with others, a deeper solidarity within some group, freedom to change course or hold the line, and the fulfillment of a social-actional condition. This Full Moon will amp up nervous tensions, so try to remain fluid, courageous, disciplined, mobilized, and deliberate. Again, see the big picture beyond the polarization and synthesize the parts to see the whole.
Because Taurus/Scorpio is the axis of the archetype of the Warrior/Guardian, we can be the stable focus we want, enjoying ourselves as we know when to advance, when to retreat, when to hold the line, and when to adapt. Guard boundaries and resources, and remember not to clutch at disappearing forms.
The Sun in Water and the Moon in Earth shows a time of the Fixed Water (stable if intense experience) of Scorpio expressing its concentrated magnetism through the Fixed Earth (grounded stable enjoyment) of Taurus. Because Uranus is how the Sun will be expressed, this will be an abrupt time. However, Neptune and Pluto can provide productive stability if we now how to generate positive Cancer and Virgo energy.
At this time, 2 planets are in the first third of their sign, 3 planets are in the second third of their signs, and 5 planets are in the last third of their signs. This indicates a major emphasis in the individual, mental, and spiritual field, with less emphasis on the social and emotional field and Venus quincunx Mars active in the actional-material field
Why Are Full Moons So Important?
At a Full Moon, that which has opened since the previous New Moon surfaces in a public form, and heads toward the culmination and fruition symbolized by the second half of any cycle. First half, birth into form and field. Second half, culmination and completion of the purpose of that cycle.
That’s why it’s important to regard the New and Full Moon charts as “God’s Footprints in Time,” since one follows the other in an unending sequence of births of newer and newer seeds. The New Moons show us the seeds that will flourish under the reflected light of the Full Moon.
Full Moons heighten feelings, due to the opposition of the Moon and the Sun. We are now in a time of the year when the inner planets begin a 7 month run of making conjunctions with the outer planets. In this chart we have 3 forming oppositions, the Sun opposed the Moon and Uranus, and Mercury opposed Jupiter. This creates 2 “awareness generator” zones, the first focused between 23-28 Scorpio/Taurus and the second at 16-21 Gemini/Sagittarius.
Dispositors - What's the Backdrop to the Energies?
The Sun is in Scorpio, ruled by Mars in Leo. The Moon is in Taurus, ruled by Venus in Capricorn. The Sun and Mars are in each other’s signs, showing they are in a “Mutual Reception,” a very powerful closed circuit of self-reinforcing energies. The Moon is ruled by Saturn.
Besides the Lunation, Mercury is in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter. Venus is in Capricorn, ruled by Saturn. Mars and the Sun rule each other. Jupiter is in Gemini which is ruled by Mercury, and as Mercury and Jupiter are in each other’s signs, they also are in a Mutual Reception. Saturn in Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, Uranus in Taurus is ruled by Venus, Pluto in Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, and as usual, Neptune is a “standalone” planet, ruling itself.
That makes the Sun and Mars the final dispositors of themselves, and Mercury and Jupiter the final dispositors ruling all the other planets except for Neptune. The Sun and Mars are powerful as generators of the Lunation energy, but Mercury and Jupiter are the primary backdrops for everything else. Have a sense of humor amidst the friction, be dispassionate, and try not to get aggravated at the swirl of activity! Show patience and good humor.
By looking at how “chains of dispositors,” “final dispositors,” and “mutual reception” are in play between the planets, we get a clear picture of the backdrop for how each planet operates. You can find out more about dispositors in general, chains of dispositors, and mutual reception by going to Astrology Class – What Is A Dispositor and What Is Mutual Reception Between Two Planets?
The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames
Venus at 5 Capricorn can help us mobilize, “get on the warpath,” and get ready to move responsibly into a position of power. It plays a powerful spiritual part as dispositor of the Moon and Uranus in a novile with the Sun. Its quincunx to Mars will help us make needed adjustments and sacrifices by generating positive Pisces and Gemini energies. Be compassionate as you master getting discouraged in the emotional traffic jam going on, and see how to codify new understanding into action.
If you want to know more about how to shape your Venus power to attract better friends and relations in the future, please consider getting your copy of my book The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames. It is the most comprehensive book on Venus ever written, and explains why we attract who we do and how to create more satisfying relationships in the future.
You will understand the foundations of long term healthy relationships and friendships, why Soul Mates come into our lives, and learn how to shape your attractive power to have better times with better people in the future. Even if you’re not looking for a partner, this book will explain why certain people with certain traits came into your life and what they taught you about yourself.
It has chapters on the qualities of each sign’s natural mate, the qualities of Venus in each sign, and when crucial choices and changes are made, affecting who we attract in the future. It was written for both astrologers and lay people, and as it has a thousand gems for better relationships, with self, others, and Source, please consider getting your copy by going to the link above! (And when you’re done, please leave a review on Amazon, since it helps the book and all other books on astrology as well!)
The Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon
This Full Moon falls at 25 Scorpio and 25 Taurus. It is said that the third third (decan) of any sign deals with the individual, mental, and spiritual levels of life, and as the Lunation is in the third decan of those signs, invokes a sub-influence of Cancer/the Moon (with an added dose of Venus) and Capricorn/Saturn (with an added dose of Saturn).
Since the Moon always focuses the light of the Sun in specific forms, the degree symbols for both are important. The Sun degree is the illumination or enlightenment of the Lunation, whereas the Moon shows us the potential forms that enlightenment will take. Though I’ve given you a sense of what this is about up to now, here’s where we go into detail.
The Solar degree symbol for the 25th degree of Scorpio is “An X Ray.” According to Rudhyar’s notes from the Marc Jones class, this degree symbolizes the “Penetrating power of reality,” “dependence of outer facts upon basic structures and causes,” and “sharp and applied discrimination.”
In the Astrological Mandala, he states this degree is “the capacity to acquire a knowledge of the structural factors in all existence.” He says “The true philosopher is able to grasp and significantly evaluate what underlies all manifestations of life. His mind’s eye penetrates through the superficialities of existence and perceives the framework that gives … a relatively permanent “form to organized systems.”
He continues that this symbol enables us to see “the basic causes of outer disturbances and dis-ease” related to structural weaknesses and imbalances. He adds that it could provide depth understanding of what is wrong in situations and the great Principles which ground peak experiences. He states “this is structural knowledge in contrast to existential knowledge.” He says it falls in the span of Appreciation, and it’s the final degree of the social and emotional level of the Scene of Faith in the Act of Group Integration.
Dr. Marc E. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, states that this is a symbol of our “organic integrity, or of the unvarying structures of nature on which all intelligence depends.” He says this is about “the well-being of each individual as a foundation for our self-realization in the world we share with others, and on our responsibility to keep ourselves fit for the performance of our part in the common functioning.”
He offers “we recognize ourselves as the measure of all effective reality,” and can see everything around us “as a continual revelation or validation of our own capacity.” The offers us the keyword INVESTIGATION, and says when operating in a positive way, this degree is “an exceptional power of analysis.”
The Lunar Sabian Symbol for the 25th degree of Taurus is “A large well-kept public park.” In his masterwork The Astrology of Personality, where Rudhyar uses the original Dr. Jones' class notes on the symbols, he says this is a degree of “social strength of collectivities,” “power of traditional culture,” “faithfulness to established achievements, “ and “immutability.”
In the Astrological Mandala, he states this degree symbolizes “the cultivation of natural energies for collective use and recreation.” He offers this symbol represents “the positive and impressive results of (our) collective endeavor to live in peace and to enjoy moments of relaxation,” with the park “designed and kept for the enjoyment of all…”
He continues that this is a phase of “collective enjoyment,” where we find “an emotional enhancement” through cultural things that give a feeling of “belonging to a large, organized peaceful whole.” He says this degree falls in the Span of Enjoyment, Act of Differentiation, and Scene of Confirmation on the Emotional-Cultural level.
Dr. Jones says this is a degree of “the everyday integrity of society at large,” and of “the divisions of labor through which each person gains the resources for well-being and self-enjoyment” which he says we cannot create through our “isolated efforts.” He offers this is about the “common experience” of being human as impacting our sense of worth and achievement for our “consequent self-discovery and self-realization.”
He offers us the keyword RECREATION. He states that when operating in a positive manner, this degree is “a high devotion to the practical welfare of all people collectively.”
From these symbols the Light of this Full Moon will help us see structural strengths and weaknesses in situations and arguments, where our powers of investigation are sharpened. This will be expressed through our ability to enjoy life in natural ways, and finding strength through enduring cultural symbols and areas and activities of collective enjoyment. Those who go to a “well-kept public park” may have sudden awakenings, so allow yourself some recreation.
We’re in an Era of Overlapping Capricorn and Aquarius Cycles
As you know by now, we had numerous important long wave conjunctions in January 2020 which were set into motion in March 2020, including a 12 year cycle and a 33 year cycle! Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto all made conjunctions in Capricorn in January and March 2020 which were activated by Mars in March 2020. Mars completed its run at its conjunction with Saturn at 1 Aquarius which also set long wave preliminary Aquarian structures into play which are expanding and currently taking shape for the next 16-17 years. The next few weeks renews that Aquarius pulse, and promises 2024 to be a very “Aquarian” year!
We’re seeing the competition between the Capricorn and Aquarian cycles play out in the world between the regressives and the progressives, between the forces of control and the forces which resist control, and between the materialists and the idealists. The Capricorn cycles will be in play for many years to come, but by mid-century they will wane while the Aquarian cycles will have become dominant.
That “Great Compression” of planets in early 2020 created a very crowded house in a very narrow span of degrees, impacting where we have late Capricorn for many years to come. Add the three conjunctions of Jupiter with Pluto as it transited back and forth over the January and March degree points, and we’ve had a lot of long wave Pluto energies expanded which will show effects over the next decade! If you’re wondering how this Great Compression and those to come will impact us, please check out the linked articles on the bottom of Part 1 of this series published Monday.
TransPluto, Divine Mother, and the Tests of Human Redemption
I’ve included this section for many years to keep you all aware of the workings of Divine Mother on our Earth in this Age in Transition. Rather than simply reprint it each month, I created this material as a separate article unto itself a while back. If you want to know more about the vast spiritual field coaxing us toward a great redemption of the promise of Life itself, please take a new look at TransPluto, Divine Mother, and the Spiritual Lessons of 2024. We have now returned to a time where we are again learning to get over our preconceptions and see higher ways to use our imagination to understand the next stage of our training.
At the 2020 World Teacher Full Moon of Sun in Gemini and Moon in Sagittarius I gave you a universal prayer/meditation offered to us by the Tibetan Master D.K. in April 1945 at the end of the war. Tens of millions around the world do this prayer every Full Moon, tuning into the Whole which we ALL are together. I said it every day for many years, and still say it every Full Moon. (It was a real trip to see eyes suddenly open and/or lightbulbs go on over people’s heads when I did it countless times riding the NYC subways when I lived there in the early 80s!)
In 1976 I changed a few words to make it more universal. For your consideration,
The Great Invocation
From the point of Light within the mind of God
Let Light stream forth into the minds of All,
Let Light descend on Earth
From the point of Love within the heart of God
Let Love stream forth into the hearts of All
May Christ return to Earth
From the center where the Will of God is known
Let Purpose guide the little Wills of All
The Purpose which the Masters know and serve
From the center which we call the Human Race
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Again, as I’ve offered you many times before, when you see the title "The Christ" if you are so inclined please substitute "World Teacher," "Bodhisattva," "Imam Madhi," "Krishna," “Kristos,” "Avalokiteshvara," "Maitreya," "Messiah," or any other term used to describe this Great Being. And if you substitute “Enlightened Ones” or “Wise Ones” for “Masters” I doubt it would offend anyone.
See you soon with part 3 covering aspects, planetary sequencing, and other important factors in this disruptive Full Moon.
© Copyright 2024 Robert WilkinsonSolar Eclipse in Libra ~ October 2, 2024 @ 2:49 p.m. ET, Haralding the age of Air..
Higher consciousness with aspects of love, will and intelligence,
which can operate in unison in an advanced person,
"Brings together love, will and intelligence! or so I am told. "Species being born today come with a higher intelligence and focus to bring balance to Earth and the Universe. A mind set to clean up Mother Earth, stop the pollutions and rebirth our existence. To clean our air, a must to clean our oceans and ground water. A mindset with desire to heal, mind, body and soul for each and everyone.
There are occasions when we focus on will, ego taking possession and times when we focus on love, sharing with others. These are not necessarily contrary principles, yet they are certainly different, and in fact often opposed so they can act in polarity. Each comes and each goes and the changes in life are characterized by the alternating of their comings and goings, sometimes at such a fast pace that they seem to coalesce or turn into one another indistinguishably. Your challenge is to remember, Who you are!
At astral-logic consulting, our mission is to empower people on their spiritual journeys by providing high-quality products and services that support their growth and well-being. We believe that spirituality is a vital part of life and that everyone deserves access to resources that can help them connect with their higher selves. There is only 1 of you, you are unique, your Horoscope is the birth map to guide you on your journey called life. Tarot gives clues to life events. Numerology adds a greater depth of awareness and understanding. I am here to offer these avenues of self awareness to you. If you haven’t already joined our group, please consider visiting our site at https://azastrologers.org/ and becoming a member. For $36 a year, you get a discount on admission to all talks and many other benefits, including free advertising for your business on our website, access to the awesome documentary "Changing of the Gods," as well as a substantial discount for audio copies of our talks as they become available. For two people living at the same address, both can become members for $54. Don’t delay, renew today! We prorate the yearly dues based on when you initially pay. So when you pay your membership, it’s good for the following year. After enough years of membership, you automatically become a Life Member and no longer have to pay yearly dues, though your donations are always welcome. As a member, you’ll continue to enjoy the full version of our newsletter sent directly to your email. An abbreviated version is available at our website homepage at the above link. How To Attend Our Events We do all our presentations online at this time. If you would like to attend, please make sure you’ve downloaded the latest Zoom update so you don’t have to deal with it when you’re trying to get into the talks. If you go to the site, just download the latest software. They release new versions often, so please upgrade in advance. To anticipate a question, you don’t have to have a camera or microphone to attend our Zoom webinars. All you need is internet access and speakers. If you’re interested in attending the webinars, please contact us at astrologyarizona@gmail.com and we’ll put you on our mailing list to notify you in advance of the presentations. You can also find more at https://azastrologers.org/. We envision our 21 st century group being a point of light to help students of Astrology who want to know more in the emerging 20 year Aquarian Era which began at the Grand Mutation at 1 Aquarius. If you have any questions about who we are and what we do, or want to suggest a topic for a future program or apply to speak, please direct all correspondence to one of these current AAZ Board members: Bill Nastasiak (Vice President and Education Director)ArizonaStars@cox.net Robert Wilkinson (President and Editor of AAZ Newsletter)laughingcat51@hotmail.comMary Katherine Kracht (Treasurer)marykatherinekracht@astral-logicconsulting.com
Our Friends in Tucson – TAG contact Astrologer Gael Chilson.
Happy Halloween! The time of the year to celebrate and remember those that have departed into the Spirit World. Our loved ones, that we shared, learned from and had many memorable moments of challenges, sorrow and enjoyments. I love the Bull painting which reflects the sign of Taurus the opposite sign of Scorpio, and as the full moon indicates the Sun and Moon in opposition makes for enlightenment. Taurus and Scorpio are in opposite, and as the Sabian symbol indicates, we may all be of different colors, types and mind sets with very fixed patterns, but TRUTH is enlightened by the radical changes you, me, they, them, the world, the Universe is experiencing. A new age in which the Planet Pluto at the door of Scorpio indicates. Massive world change forced not by you, our desires, egos, but by a greater force compelling us to awaken to the Spiritual BEING within you. We are all on the pathway realizing the value placed on money and more things and our ego. Now the value focused on survivals of each other, our home EARTH, and the UNIVERSE. The Souls, new born are here as the developers and builders of the new ERA frontier, which communications of all sorts is the means to creation. First it is to realize how am I, how can I, realization is in place for the tool blessed to us, awesome minds pondering on the development of this new ERA. STAR Trek for real. Momma Drama, (my new STAR nic) signing off for now. You should call to find out the roll you are to play in the new ENLIGHTMENT ERA. 520-632-1250
Contact Mary Katherine "STAR", for your personal direction in the New Age. Marykatherinekracht@astral-logicconsulting.com
Happy Halloween! The time of the year to celebrate and remember those that have departed into the Spirit World. Our loved ones, that we shared, learned from and had many memorable moments of challenges, sorrow and enjoyments. I love the Bull painting which reflects the sign of Taurus the opposite sign of Scorpio, and as the full moon indicates the Sun and Moon in opposition makes for enlightenment. Taurus and Scorpio are in opposite, and as the Sabian symbol indicates, we may all be of different colors, types and mind sets with very fixed patterns, but TRUTH is enlightened by the radical changes you, me, they, them, the world, the Universe is experiencing. A new age in which the Planet Pluto at the door of Scorpio indicates. Massive world change forced not by you, our desires, egos, but by a greater force compelling us to awaken to the Spiritual BEING within you. We are all on the pathway realizing the value placed on money and more things and our ego. Now the value focused on survivals of each other, our home EARTH, and the UNIVERSE. The Souls, new born are here as the developers and builders of the new ERA frontier, which communications of all sorts is the means to creation. First it is to realize how am I, how can I, realization is in place for the tool blessed to us, awesome minds pondering on the development of this new ERA. STAR Trek for real. Momma Drama, (my new STAR nic) signing off for now. You should call to find out the roll you are to play in the new ENLIGHTMENT ERA. 520-632-1250
Contact Mary Katherine "STAR", for your personal direction in the New Age. Marykatherinekracht@astral-logicconsulting.com
I love to connect with you personally, so schedule a time for us to connect, via phone, zoom or in person. During normal business hours.
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Goodyear, Arizona 85338, United States
Mon | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
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Wed | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
Thu | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
Fri | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
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Fees are adjusted to your circustance.
dauly 60 minute update
Horoscope, Numbers, Tarot cards, Spirit voice
added to your reading Planetary aspects to your Natal, Progressed and Solar return; emailed to you.
Guided visionary releasing the Karmic Ties that bind. Slight hypnosis is used, based on the teachings of Sai Baba
Contact Mary Katherine directly 623 215 2589 https://shop.astral-logicconsulting.com/
See you next time. What to know more call 623-215-5289
Astrology, Tarot Card , Spirit connect
Connect with Mary Katherine
Tarot Card, Spirit connect
Sign up to hear from Mary Katherine about COVID-19 and why it is here.
Your birthdate, time and place, and spelling of your name provide amazing information about your pathway and journey in life. Add connections to Spirit via the Tarot. The Tarot Cards are one way for Spirit to communicate with you. Information energizes, helping you become aware of your own spiritual pathway, magic within your own sense of love and truth. Pay here and give us a call.
Lets face it, life has many twists and turns, creating experiences with symptoms of painful and traumatic memories. Anxiety, fear, anger and hopelessness are emotions linger beyond these post-traumatic events. Your Horoscope gives insight to these experiences, current transits can activate memories and activate the fears and anxiety long thought forgotton. A process I learned via my Spiritual teacher Sathya Sai Baba of India, "Cutting of the ties" The process of Karmic Tie Breaking; using mild hypnosis, has been useful in freeing the mind and soul of these past traumatized ghosts. Call me to schedule appointment. 623 215 5289
Your planetary story help you understanding energy cycles, up incoming events to guide you through the process of healing. Using guided visionary, via hypnosis can cut the "tie" that blocks your ability to heal and become whole again.
If further assistance is needed to rid you of Dark, Demonic energy lingering from the spirit world, can create major health and anxiety issues. If evil in others was active in their physical life. Once they leave the body, the evil is still very active. Spiritualist Daniel Teague. known as a "Walk In," has the insight to see and gift to remove these links. Check out his website https://www.vegastarhealings.com/negative-energy-in-homes.html. Many of my spiritual seekers have found wellness in his work.
I recommend
Daniel Teague
Vega Star Healings
Distance Energy Healer
Center your Core of love and truth. Daniel's Spiritual gift is Amazing. You will be amazed as I have been. Check out his site for healing.
Is it Love or Lust?
Thinking of getting married? Internet dating? There is an ole song. Smoke gets in your eyes! That's Neptune! Love attraction can be deceiving. Better to know how your personal spiritual, emotional chemistry mixes with another before Neptune/Venus hides you from knowing the reality, Saturn, of what your union will bring. Call me to schedule your reality relationship check.
Think about it.
When you bake a cake, the right ingredients make for a delicious dessert that brings happiness for all to enjoy. Before you enter into a relationship, be sure you know the basic spiritual, astrological ingredients of the partner you wish to share and spend your life with and how the mix of your spiritual and astrological makeup blends to make for a rewarding, happy experience.
Relationship counseling can be beneficial to couples who are looking to strengthen their emotional connection if their basic lineup is not in harmony. Time, Saturn, moves on and what we began with either matures together or the love, friendship fades. We are continually in all stages of change, individually and in the relationship. I can guide you or as a couple to discuss issues and solutions to better strengthen your relationship.
623 215 5289
I love the Tarot Cards. Spirit shares messages for you bringing forth hidden desires and questions answered.
Your Spirit guides have a message for you, and I am here to share with you. Give us a call. 623 215 5289
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
Today | Closed |
Astrology Arizona Zoom Meet 2024
September 28th 1 PM to 3 PM PDT/AZ time via Zoom
AAZ is happy to host
Lynn Koiner
in a discussion about
Seeing your parents' past in your chart!
Our September 28th presentation features internationally known and loved astrologer Lynn Koiner who will be giving us a fascinating look at Regressing Your Chart Into Your Parents’ Past.
This is a technique she developed decades ago which is “an easy technique whereby one can regress a chart back in time and predict events occurring in the lives of the parents and grandparents.” She says “this is an easy technique that even a beginning student can learn” which gives insights into what happened before we were born.
I have no doubt it’s going to be another excellent discussion, and we hope you will join us for this event, since “what one astrologer misses another catches.”
You can register for our September 28th event simply by going to our donation page at Astrology Arizona - Donation, Education, Gift (azastrologers.org). As usual, it's $10 for members, and $15 for non-members. Just click on the Donate button at the bottom of the page. Your donation will quickly generate a message telling me to send you the login information Friday evening prior to the event, or for last-minute sign-ups on presentation day, between 30 - 15 minutes before we begin.
As of today, Wednesday September 25th, Zoom is still using version 6.2.0 (46690). You can find it at Download Center – Zoom. To find out which version you have, login to Zoom. You’ll see the home page with the time prominently displayed along with four boxes: one red, the other three blue. Click on the little black gear at the top right that will take you to Settings. Near the bottom of the list, click on Statistics. When that page appears, your version number will be listed at the bottom.
If you’d like to simplify your life and not be concerned about future updates, go to the Settings page again. The list begins with General. At the bottom of the General page, there’s an option that will “Automatically keep Zoom desktop client up to date.” Just set it and forget it.
Thank you for your continued interest in astrology and our progressive group at AAZ.
We look forward to seeing you in 3 ½ days on Saturday, September 28th, 2024, from 1 pm to 3 pm AZT.
Bill N
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In 2024, the month of September puts the focus on the area of our charts where we have Virgo and Libra. This month sees Mercury speeding up after its recent retrograde between 5 Virgo and 22 Leo, giving us a review of those areas of our lives. This month is the time to get it in gear, as we have Grand Earth Trines to help ground our efforts and say goodbye to the lessons Pluto in Capricorn has given us since 2008.
There’s a swirl of planetary energies this month, with Mercury and Venus moving briskly forward, Mars beginning to slow down for its December retrograde station at 7 Leo, Jupiter slowing for its October retrograde station, and Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto all retrograde! Due to the inner planets transiting Virgo and Libra, and Mars moving into Cancer, we now have planets occupying a wide span of signs. We have the outer planet span from late Capricorn through Jupiter in late Gemini, with Mars and the inner planets extending the occupied span through Libra. So we have all the planets in about 3/4 of the zodiac.
Because the inner planets are all in a phase of opposing Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Jupiter these next few months, we’re coming to a time of the year when we get intense awareness through these oppositions. When the inner planets occupy Aquarius through Taurus and conjunct the outer planets, it’s time to pull the energies inward, and when they’re between Cancer and Sagittarius the energies are more expansive in the outer world.
We have very favorable Grand Earth Trines this month, courtesy of the Sun and Mercury in Virgo trining Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn. This is the last set of Earth trines to Pluto for centuries to come, so make the most of it, since from now on it’s strictly Air trines! And yes, the Sun and Mercury also oppose Saturn, helping us let go of the lesser to accept the greater, and throw off chains of mental slavery which keep us too narrow or pessimistic.
Pluto leads the outer planet occupied span through early 2025. July began a long run of oppositions to Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus beginning with the oppositions to Saturn and Neptune by Venus in August. Those oppositions were harbingers of Solar and Mercurial oppositions to those Pisces planets in September.
Now that Jupiter’s in Gemini, it gives a Gemini backdrop to planets we have in Sagittarius and Pisces, as well as the houses where these signs are on the cusp. Jupiter in Gemini will bring new information and perspectives to those things it rules. Still, the conjunctions in Taurus will rule the coming year until the conjunctions with Jupiter in Cancer in June 2025.
Saturn is now retrograde and tracking the path it traveled between late April and early June. It will be occupying its 2024 Shadow zone between 13 and 20 Pisces through February 2025. We have begun to receive the promise of that which nourishes us “at the end of our day of labor,” and September should bring renewal, inspiration, rehearsals, so stay balanced as you navigate the flow. In any case, the primary Saturn theme for the rest of this year and early 2025 is going to help us finish some things, forgive some things, and bless some endings.
The Spiritual Field
We continue to be blessed by the closest Neptune sextile with Pluto in 30 years, with Uranus joining the “three note chord” by the Summer of 2024. With Uranus in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces, and Pluto in late Capricorn, we have a very strong “double sextile/trine” which should favorably impact all planets we have in the last 5 degrees of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces. The Spiritual Field represented by these outermost planets is stabilizing our late Earth and Water sectors in the spiritual sectors of their signs.
This is preparing us for an entirely new experience of Spirit and Life in 2025 when these Spiritual powerhouses shift out of Earth and Water into Fire and Air, joined by Saturn when it enters Aries creating a “three note chord” of harmonic consciousness. That means 2024 and 2025 will spiritually harmonize planets we have in the late degrees of the Earth and Water signs, while in 2025-2026 they will do the same for planets we have in the early degrees of the Fire and Air signs.
Uranus will occupy the third decan of Taurus for the rest of this year through early July 2025. This is a Capricorn sub-influence with an added dose of Saturn, so there’s more structure and discipline and less micromanagement of details. The Cosmic Awakener promises us a new life and a “genuine rejuvenation” and life renewal as a result of what we go through in August and September.
We’re moving through an individual and spiritual awakening which will have us all feeling renewed by October. We just began a new 2 year cycle where we have 27 Taurus in our charts due to the newest Mars conjunct Uranus which happened in July. This new awakening should help us adapt to circumstances and offer our wisdom to our world in subdued ways.
Neptune at “the end of the end” of Pisces is giving us all a sense of vast feelings and finality. We’ve been through a purification process since December, have glimpsed forms of abundance, and now move into a oceanic feeling of dreaming the future we want to see become manifest. This year we experience the vast unifying field as we prepare to move into a more fiery collective energy in 2025.
With Pluto in late Capricorn for the last time in centuries, about to re-enter Aquarius, we are living on the cusp of historical change. As it went stationary retrograde at 3 Aquarius, we’ve begun a wild ride into a time of defiance, rebellion, with many refusing to follow what they believe to be authoritarian control systems. Be open to “regrasping past experience” and see it from a different angle of understanding due to a “sharp self-examination.” Be fearless in making the decisions you need to make.
We also have several long wave Aries cycles in play. Jupiter launched a major healing and mentoring cycle when it conjuncted Chiron at 15 Aries on March 11, 2023. That began a long wave Chiron cycle which will last until the Summer of 2036. And we just finished a 2 year Mars/Chiron cycle and began a new one at 23 Aries.
Not all Chiron cycles are the same length. When Chiron transits between Aquarius and Gemini, it moves relatively slowly and has conjunctions with Jupiter about every 13 years. However, it can take 19-20 years for the next conjunction after Gemini or Cancer. That means once the conjunction at 16 Gemini happens in the Summer of 2036 we won’t have another conjunction of Jupiter and Chiron until the Spring of 2056 in Aquarius, which will launch another long term “expansive healing/mentoring” cycle.
Mars is still relatively fast in motion, but has now begun to slow. The slowing will continue until it goes retrograde at 7 Leo in early December, but we can still get a lot done quickly in September if we use the favorable aspects to/from Mars with the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn. Let go of anything you no longer need to carry, turn whatever corners you need to turn, and if you find yourself with a new allegiance, make sure it’s a balanced arrangement. This month is about decisions to act, to consolidate and protect what needs protecting, and learning to play good defense.
This month Mars activates the house(s) where we have 28 Gemini through 15 Cancer. From September 1 through 4, Mars is in the Aquarius decan of Gemini, ruled by Saturn with an extra dose of the Sun. From September 4 through 21, Mars is in the Cancer decan of Cancer, ruled by the Moon with an extra dose of Venus. From September 21 through 30, Mars is in the Scorpio decan of Cancer, ruled by Mars with an extra dose of Mercury.
Between September 1-10, Mars will prove agitating to those with planets between 28-30 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces and 1-4 degrees of Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, and Aries. Between September 10-20, it will have an agitating effect on planets between 4-9 degrees of the same signs. And between September 20-30, it will have the same effect on planets between 9-15 of Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, and Aries.
As I’ve offered before, when Mars is within a degree of forming or separating from a hard aspect with a planet, slow down and show deliberation and caution in how you use force. Hard aspects to/from Mars always require that we moderate or antidote impulsiveness and impatience.
Sign Focus
This month the sign focus shows a preponderance of Virgo and Libra. The month begins with Mars in Gemini, Mercury in Leo, Sun in Virgo, and Venus in Libra. By the second week of the month, we have Mars in Cancer and Mercury and the Sun in Virgo. Then the last week of the month finds Mercury in Virgo, Sun in Libra, and Venus in Scorpio with Mercury making its entry into Libra at the end of the month.
So the first week is split between 4 signs, the second and third weeks are mainly Virgo, and the last week is mainly Libra and Scorpio. Add the solid span between late Capricorn and Mars in Cancer, and you can see that the energies are generously distributed this month.
We’re Actors On A New Stage With A New Set – The Bigger Picture
We’re still in the initial years of a new era in human evolution. The Grand Mutation of Jupiter conjunct Saturn at 1 Aquarius began a new 20 year Aquarian Era in December 2020, as well as a new 200 year era, moving global energies out of Earth and into Air. We’ve begun to grow beyond the materialism of the past 200 years and have entered two centuries of Air emphasis, with its qualities of relatedness, receptivity, versatility, movability, lightness, and cooperative ideas, visions, and ideals.
We’re still "under the beams" of the Solar Eclipses we experienced in 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 and these “cosmic recyclers” continue to remove what we no longer need in our lives. Take note of where you have 1 Cancer, 24 and 13 Sagittarius, 20 Gemini, 11 Taurus, and 2 Scorpio, since we’ve all had to let go of many things related to these sectors the past few years.
The May 2022 eclipses with Sun in Taurus have shut down old value systems in that sector, and the Scorpio Solar eclipses are already leading us to say goodbye to the past, giving up some old ideals. You can find out more about Solar and Lunar eclipses by going to my site at www.aquariuspapers.com where there are numerous articles in the archives on how eclipses work.
The April-May 2023 eclipses have begun to work their magic on our Aries and Libra sectors for a long time to come. The 2023 Solar eclipse at 30 Aries and the October Solar eclipse at 22 Libra are also shutting down parts of our lives where we have those signs. We now have the Solar eclipse at 20 Aries added to the list, as well as the late March Lunar eclipse which is shutting down parts of our lives where we have early Taurus and early Scorpio.
As we study how successive Eclipses have affected various areas of our charts and lives, we can get a sense of the utility of these “Cosmic Recyclers” in removing what we no longer needed in those areas, creating a void which attracted new life experiences. They invite us to look back, and then forward, to see the continuity of “letting go, taking in, letting go, taking in” across the years.
Primary Action Beats for the First Half of the Month
September begins with the huge shift of Uranus going stationary retrograde on September 1 along with Pluto retrograding back into Capricorn, giving the cosmic purifier a last shot at cleaning up our late Capricorn sector! We then get the New Moon at 12 Virgo on the next day, beginning a month of unveiling, unmasking, and seeing what we didn’t see before. Because it’s opposed Saturn, let go of lesser things and accept more important duties or responsibilities.
The first week ends with Mercury making its third and final square to Uranus, favoring inventive thinking and getting unique ideas. As Uranus is on a degree of rejuvenation and renewal, this is a sign to prepare actively for a future already on the way. Go deeper into your connection with source, let go of things which are stuck, and get a broad view of the forces in play.
The second week of September features the final late Leo Yod made by Mercury in a double quincunx with Neptune and Pluto, so focus, share, and express your generous heart. This has been and will profoundly affect planets we have in the last degrees of Capricorn and Pisces with the focus in late Leo.
Mercury enters Virgo on September 8, and sextiles Mars through September 12, favoring getting a lot done with precision and care. We finish the second week with Sun square Jupiter, helping us turn a benevolent and expansive corner in whatever we set into motion in the Spring. Just don’t overdo it!
Primary Action Beats for the Second Half of the Month
The last half of September brings Venus trine Jupiter at mid-month, promising the second and third weeks of the month should be generally good for plans and opportunities to forge good relationships. Then we have a powerful Lunar eclipse on September 17, showing a split between past and future, with the Light of a new form of service or discipleship to be expressed through going our own way or allowing another to go their own way, or perhaps situations where each must be free to do what they have to without interference. As Lunar eclipse effects last for a few months, we’ll see a lot slip away as we prepare for a new level of spiritual service.
Mercury opposes Saturn on September 18, The Sun trines Uranus on September 19 and then opposes Neptune on the 20th, creating an awareness generator favorably affecting planets we have in the late degrees of the Earth and Water signs. We then hit a lot of action on September 21 when Mercury squares Jupiter, Venus quincunxes Neptune, Mercury quincunxes Chiron, and the Sun trines Pluto! Lots of sacrifices, adjustments, and shifts in understanding which allow us to get to the heart of the matter and as noted earlier, many will be able to “escape from a narrow destiny” via those Earth trines to Pluto this month.
The last week also brings Mercury trine Uranus and opposed Neptune and then trine Pluto, allowing us to understand and coordinate those Earth trine energies more effectively. Mercury enters Libra on September 26, Mars trines Saturn through September 30, when we have the Superior conjunction between Mercury and the Sun, showing a “fusion of Life and Mind” with Mercury again moving out in front of the Sun, showing Mind will “herald the Light.” As Chiron is bringing us all “concentrated doses of spiritual energy” all month, cultivate receptivity to spiritual ideas and ideals. We are all being “molded by transpersonal forces,” to whatever degree we are open and receptive to the influx of those forms of “spiritual protection.” Those who put forth effort will find spiritual rewards streaming in!
Evolutionary Development
This is the fourteenth month of the North Node in Aries era! This is a time of our greatest development being served by self-initiated activity (Aries) shown through our balanced response (Libra) to an ongoing transfiguration toward an ideal. So we grow through focused action and demonstrate it through expressing our Archetypal Self, whether in the world of inner space or outer affairs. We build through Aries and release through Libra, so adopt a pioneering attitude that is expressed with grace and diplomacy.
Our wise friend Saturn continues to teach us through the vast feeling experiences from its time in Pisces, and now we’re seeing what is to be perpetuated into the new era in 2025. We are still learning disciplines of forgiveness and compassion, and this month continues our reward and nourishment “after our day of labor.”
The Sun in Virgo is a time to take the Light of new “radiations of heart energy” of Leo and give them “significant form” in Virgo, where we learn that “to rule is to serve.” We are now able to ground a lot in practical forms and structures, and should be able to make a lot of progress in whatever we do. Now that we’ve looked back via Mercury, we all have messages to give and receive in September and October.
We are in our fourth year of the new Aquarian era, with a new iteration of that future-oriented energy set into motion in February. Jupiter in Taurus helped us get a new grounded expansive view of how to sustain the Aquarian unfoldment into the future which is finding forms of expression while Jupiter is in Gemini. We’ve all entered a new land. Let go of the lesser, accept the greater, and the new land you’re in is going to be far more enjoyable than the old land you’ve had to leave.
Because we’re now in the fourth year of a new 20 year and 200 year cycle, remember a new era has dawned. Have courage and take the initiative to leave the Earth and fly free into the Air of what’s opening as the Grand Mutation expands its promise into the Divine transfigured ideal of a more just truth and future. This month brings stability and expansion of new Aquarian expressions. As always, lighten up, play a little, and be willing to explore new arenas of effective activity where you can work and play with other Light Spirits, and take heart as we navigate the dawning of the Pluto in Aquarius era.
We have now collectively transfigured into a greater vision of the one Light/Life we all are together. Continue to find your heart strength and new forms of genuine happiness appropriate for who you are now, and who you are becoming relative to just a few months ago.
We now navigate the cosmic time-space between endings and beginnings so bless and forgive much to flow down the time stream. The past is over and we all have begun our trek into a new world of new potential, new adventures, and new ways to enjoy being ourselves while doing our work of Destiny. Open to the abundance of the process of growth, since we are all on a rocket ship to the stars!
Until next month
(or whenever we meet again, since tomorrow is never guaranteed)
Robert Wilkinson
Editor, AAZ Newsletter
by Robert Wilkinson
Connecting the World with Astrology
In the Fall of 2024!
AND BLESSINGS. 520-632-1250
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